Safe acceleration range (SAR)

Safe acceleration range

The SAR safety function (safe acceleration range) from EN / IEC 61800-5-2 monitors the safely monitored acceleration to ensure it is within specified limit values.

EN / IEC 61800-5-2 also describes the “safe motion functions”, which are intended to reduce risks during operation. A safe monitoring function can be considered as an additional safety function: The monitoring function is based on the normative motion function. Exceeding the parameters set for limit values is reported, but does not trigger an error reaction function.
The motion monitoring modules for the configurable safe small controllers PNOZmulti 2 safely monitor the SLA-M function. Limit values are easy to set in the software tool PNOZmulti Configurator.

The configurable safety controllers PNOZmulti 2 monitor both SLA-M and SAR-M safety functions, as well as additional safety functions such as SS1, SS2, SSR, SSM, SDI and SOS.

Safe motion monitoring with PNOZmulti 2

Safe acceleration range (SAR)

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