Machinery Safety Evaluation

The fast track to a conformity overview, with machinery safety check list

The Machinery Safety Evaluation provides a comprehensive overview of the safety and conformity status of the machinery tested under the scope of this evaluation. You also receive a list of measures or check list to quickly derive the measures needed to optimise safety and compliance with the applicable laws, standards and directives.

Efficient overview of the conformity status of your machinery

Man with a tablet in front of a machine

Have some of your machines been in operation for a long time and has it been a while since their safety and conformity criteria were assessed? Or have you bought a pre-used plant or machine? Then the first thing you will generally need is a straightforward overview of the safety status of this machinery in accordance with the current legal position and applicable standards. You will also need information about any urgent upgrade measures you may need to carry out in order to meet the applicable machinery safety requirements, in accordance with the Machinery Directive, for example. Furthermore, you will need to have full liability protection.

Our services

We evaluate multiple machines in your production plant with regard to the applicable safety and conformity requirements. In the process, we not only take into account the applicable laws, standards and directives at the machine's place of use or destination, but also your individual in-house specifications, upon request.

We provide you with all the relevant information about the safety status of the machinery, in the required technical depth. As a result, you not only get a clear, comprehensive dashboard with all the evaluations, but also a list of measures with all the recommended actions. With our machinery safety check list , you have a quick and convenient overall view of all the machines under consideration. There are two versions of the Machinery Safety Evaluation; you can choose the option that's right for you.

Woman wearing a hard hat behind a laptop

Services package tailored individually to your requirements

There are 2 options within this service and you can choose the one better suited to you. This can include the following:

  Level 1 Level 2

Compliance with safety status

Evaluation of compliance with the safety requirements, with a list of all non-compliances. The requirements-based check list contains both a description and an evaluation of each requirement with the corresponding conformity status. Both the compliance with the regulations and the evaluation are shown in a graphic format (dashboard)


Evaluation of the main risks

Evaluation of the major risks, based on the selected methodology: including reference to the requirement, a risk classification and a description.


Documentation check

Provides an overview of whether all the documentation required for a machine is present and adequate.


Legal and corporate compliance

Provides an overview of the conformity status based on corporate requirements and taking into consideration international and national requirements, e.g. the “Use of Work Equipment Directive 2009/104/EC”.


Evaluation of the most important safety subfunctions

Evaluation of the maximum achievable PLr for each tested subfunction. Component quality, architecture, diagnostics and error reaction are assessed.


Risk reduction / recommended actions

List of all non-compliant points and the associated measures for risk reduction to ensure compliance of the machine with the relevant standards


Cost estimate for upgrade

Based on the catalogue of measures, an estimate is produced of the costs to bring the machine in line with the relevant standards.

  • (optional)

Your benefits at a glance

Man using a torch to check a machine

The Machinery Safety Evaluation from Pilz is a fast, efficient procedure for obtaining an overview of compliance with the relevant machinery safety requirements. You save time and costs with our technical evaluation of your machinery.

  • Cost optimisation

We agree the evaluation's level of detail with you in advance and adapt this to your individual requirements. There are 2 versions of this service; you can choose the one that's right for you.

  • Proof of compliance and liability protection

The result is a dashboard with a clear overview of each plant or machine – tailored to your requirements. So you have an overview of the current conformity status. We'll also work out what action is required and prioritise the individual action areas. That makes it particularly resource-friendly for you.

  • Safety

The Machinery Safety Evaluation has been specifically developed for existing machinery. All checks and evaluations ensure that you have a direct overview of the safety status and action required for the machinery inspected.

  • Efficiency

You can individually re-use the results dashboard and individual reports internally; these documents are already preconfigured with many evaluation options.

  • Compliance with your corporate policies

You can add your individual auditing standards to our evaluation at any time. That way, your own policies can also be considered right from the start.

  • International

You can apply the same methodology in all your sites worldwide. And you can transfer the results from a machine in one country to a similar machine in a different country.

Machinery Safety Evaluation – explained in brief for a quick overview

You too can benefit from these services


Pilz GmbH & Co. KG
Felix-Wankel-Straße 2
73760 Ostfildern

Telephone: +49 711 3409-0

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