Pilz research projects and cooperations

Passion and creativity as the driving force

A man in the laboratory

Pilz is a successful, independent family business. The drive for innovation is firmly engrained in our DNA. Company profits are reinvested, guaranteeing further growth. With an investment quota of over 15 per cent in R&D, Pilz is underlining its claim to be one of the most innovative companies in automation technology. 

Pilz has a state-of-the-art research and development centre, where  automation solutions are developed for our customers.

“Pilz has written industrial history.”

Berthold Heinke, Consultant in the field of safe controllers

“Without doubt, Renate Pilz’s company is one of our country’s flagship medium-sized companies: innovative, at home on the world markets and yet deeply rooted within the region”.

Winfried Kretschmann, Prime Minister

Products that conquered the automation world

Our products and solutions have become established in safe automation technology. Pilz has set automation standards for safe cooperation between human and machine.

Technological milestones of history

Cooperations and research projects

Whether it’s digitisation or Industrial Security: the factory of the future calls for new concepts, products and solutions. The ability of an agile company is what’s needed to grasp innovative ideas and make them market-ready and suitable for industrial use. To ensure that it always has its finger on the pulse, Pilz participates in different research projects and cooperates closely with various colleges and universities.

New cooperation between Pilz, ARENA2036 & SmartFactoryKL

At this year's Hannover Messe, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by representatives of Pilz, ARENA2036 and SmartFactoryKL , laying the foundation for future cooperation!

The first joint project  is "ARENA-X", a demonstration and test environment for data-space-based collaboration and value creation. The aim: To enable the exchange of technologies from Industrie 4.0, Gaia-X and Catena-X for use and application in industry. 

We are looking forward to the new cooperation and the exciting projects!

Four people presenting a signed contract


Arena2036 logo

Pilz concerns itself with the future of automation as part of the research campus ARENA2036: ARENA stands for Active Research Environment for the Next Generation of Automobiles. Resource-efficient, competitive production models are intended to emerge by the year 2036, the 150th anniversary of the car. 
With its expertise from safety and automation technology, Pilz is represented in the research campus in the area of production, and is developing a solution for safeguarding modular production. Our intention is to work with other partners from industry and research to build such a production system, put it into service and qualify it for actual use in the production process.


Pilz is actively involved in the technology initiative SmartFactoryKL in Kaiserslauten. The company is currently working on conceptual solutions in the field of dynamic safeguarding and safety. Based on concepts developed by cooperation partners, the research employees at SmartFactoryKL build demonstrators, which are presented at the Hannover Messe for example. By participating in the Executive Board of SmartFactoryKL, Pilz can discuss research content with the partners and thereby influence the direction of research.

SmartFactory logo

Esslingen University

Esslingen University logo

Pilz supports teaching and works together with universities and institutes. At Esslingen University, we sponsor events and participate in the Industry Colloquium, for example, which serves as a meeting place for exchanging ideas and know-how between companies, politicians and students. We also offer support for Bachelor’s and Master’s dissertations and promote young talent. We organise regular tours of the Pilz premises for those students wishing to take a look behind the scenes of innovative production processes.

Cooperation with Esslingen University

Work placement and dissertations at Pilz

“Our management believes in the value of mixed teams. Something quite wonderful happens when you combine the new, "fresh" knowledge from the universities with the accumulated, "older" knowledge of our employees. That’s how innovations happen.”

Renate Pilz

At Pilz, students can gain an insight into working life as an intern or working student, or work with us on exciting projects as part of their Bachelor's or Master's dissertation. If you already have your degree certificate under your belt, we provide opportunities for an ideal start to your professional life. Find out more about our vacancies or apply on your own initiative!

Study at Pilz

Further information


Pilz Automation Ltd
Pilz House, Little Colliers Field
Corby, Northants, NN18 8TJ
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 1536 460766
E-Mail: sales@pilz.co.uk

Pilz Automation Ltd

Telephone: +44 1536 460766
E-Mail: sales@pilz.co.uk