Press releases
- Pilz at FACHPACK 2022, Hall 3c, Stand 223 - Safe, secure and flexible packaging!
- Pilz offers TÜV-SÜD-certified solution for safe monitoring of cardboard feed in the packaging sector - safeguard cardboard feed efficiently
Additional content
Background information:
- Safe, secure and flexible: Automation solutions for the entire packaging industry - Sustainable packaging
- In addition to safety, key aspects for guards are efficiency, economy and digitisation - Safety gate management 4.0
- PSENradar, PSENscan and PSENopt II: Safe radar systems and optoelectronic sensor technology for greater productivity - All-round protection for stationary and mobile applications
- Modular diagnostic solutions for the factory of the future - Smart diagnostics any time, any place
- Company profile
Customer references/success stories:
- Sema Systemtechnik: This tray former is only open for efficiency
- Mosburger GmbH: Production's rolling!
- Poco Loco: Greater efficiency for the tortilla chip production line
- ACMI S.p.A.: Avoiding risks during bottle filling
- Wächter packaging machines: Clever folding with PSENslock and PNOZmulti 2
- EuroChem: Danger clearly identified!