Can I carry out a PUWER Inspection?


The PUWER ACOP (Approved Code of Practice) states that an inspection of work equipment must be carried out when it is:

  • First installed
  • When it is moved or relocated

This is to ensure that it has been correctly installed and is operating safely. Work equipment must also be inspected regularly where it is exposed to conditions that could cause it to deteriorate.
It then goes on to state that the people who determine the nature of the inspections required and who carry out the inspections are competent and should have the necessary knowledge and experience to do so.

Determining the nature of the inspection & carrying out a PUWER Inspection

The person who determines the extent of the inspection should have sufficient knowledge and experience, so that they can decide:

  1. What the inspection should include
  2. How it should be done
  3. When it should be carried out

The inspector needs to have sufficient experience and knowledge to be able to identify what needs to be inspected, and to be able to detect damage or faults resulting from deterioration. They should also be able to determine whether any tests are needed during the inspection to see if the equipment is working safely or is structurally sound. They should have sound knowledge of the equipment so that they:

  1. Know what to look at (the key components)
  2. Know what to look for (fault-finding)
  3. Know what to do (reporting faults, making a record and who to report to)

Most importantly the inspector must be competent enough to carry out the inspection properly, thoroughly and safely. The necessary level of competence will differ depending on the type of equipment, its location and how it is used. For many organisations the level of competence to determine the nature of the inspections or to carry them are not available in-house, in which case they seek the help of another body with the relevant competence, knowledge and experience needed to conduct a thorough and safe PUWER Inspection.
Pilz has over 35 years of experience in machinery safety; our inspectors have worked across many different industries and with a wide variety of machinery and work equipment, providing them with the necessary levels of experience and practical knowledge to conduct PUWER inspection safely and competently.
Contact us to request a quotation or for more information about our PUWER Inspection services:

Contact us


Pilz Automation Ltd
Pilz House, Little Colliers Field
Corby, Northants, NN18 8TJ
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 1536 460766

Pilz Automation Ltd

Pilz House, Little Colliers Field
Corby, Northants, NN18 8TJ
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 1536 460766


Telephone: +44 1536 460866