Robot Operating System Application for Autonomous Mobile Vehicles


The Robot Operating System (ROS) is an open-source software that enables the user to network various technologies from different robots, mobile platforms, grippers and much more. ROS also enables the planning of motion paths as well as creation and modelling of robot applications and user interfaces.

This training introduces you to the ROS platform with a Learning-by-doing approach, combining theoretical explanations with a practical part that is demonstrated step-by-step through the training for modelling a robotic layout and its main elements.

In addition, we will show you how to start your own mobile vehicle project by modelling its main elements and using open-source packages to control the movements and simulation. ROS2 is also introduced and both versions are considered in the training scope.

Part of the training focuses on the introduction to the use of ROS and ROS2 for mobile robot control and autonomous navigation based on SLAM. Integration of related sensors with these technologies, like safety scanners, is addressed along with the complete application based on real hardware.

At the end of the training, you will be able to create an autonomous mobile vehicle project with ROS and ROS2, capable of navigating autonomously, and you will know how to implement it in real applications.

Robot Operating System Application for Autonomous Mobile Vehicles


Training requires a basic level in Linux O.S. terminal mode. You should also be familiar with high-level programming languages such as Python.


  • Fundamentals and introduction to Linux OS basics for running ROS
  • ROS environment and programming
  • Differences and comparison between ROS and ROS2 packages for mobile robot autonomous navigation
  • Theoretical concepts related to the differential mobile vehicle navigation, such as kinematics, odometry, localisation or navigation algorithms
  • Step-by-step integration of sensors for a mobile vehicle robot demo application
  • Simulation of an autonomous mobile vehicle in a virtual environment

Target group

This training is aimed in particular at manufacturers or integrators with special responsibility for autonomous mobile vehicle systems. In addition, the training is specifically designed for persons who are responsible for the practical integration of new and existing AMVs in their day-to-day business, such as:

  • Technical personnel who are responsible for developing mobile vehicle controls
  • Commissioning engineers 
  • AMV system integrators
  • Project engineers
  • Technical instructors and trainers

Benefits to you

  • Acquirement of strong ROS foundations, know-how and set-up within the ROS environment
  • Guided introduction to ROS programming, with expert advice on how to solve barriers to get started quickly
  • Learning the basis of Python programming for ROS applications
  • Get ready to exploit the various possibilities of a large development community
Robot Operating System Application for Autonomous Mobile Vehicles
International Online Training
16 hours = 4 days
09:00 - 13:00 CET
Max. number of participants
Costs per participant
1.100.- €
from 21.10.2024 Register
Places available Only few places left Closed

You would like to book this training on a different date, or at a different site and/or to book a different training type? Please contact us. We are happy to inform you personally.

Your individual enquiry
Head office

Pilz Australia Safe Automation
Unit 1, 12-14 Miles Street
Mulgrave, Melbourne, Victoria 3170

Telephone: +61 3 9560 0621 / 1300 723 334


Telephone: +61 3 9560 0621