File Transfer Protocol

FTP is a protocol based on TCP/IP. FTP enables whole files to be transferred between two network subscribers. As with all other protocols under TCP, FTP operates in Client-Server mode. In this case the FTP-Client takes the initiative. The FTP command is used to transfer the relevant parameters, which determine the type and direction of data transfer. Under the Windows operating system, the FTP command is called up in the DOS window: FTP <IP address of FTP-Server>
The connection to the FTP server is made after the FTP command has been called up. The FTP server then asks for the user name and, if necessary, a password. If the connection is made, the FTP server can be accessed by entering further commands and parameters.

The following are important commands:

ascii: Switches to the transfer of text files
binary: Switches to the transfer of binary data
put <file name>: Sends the stated file to the FTP server
get <file name>: Reads the stated file from the FTP server

FTP under Windows operating systems provides a whole range of further options in addition to the commands listed here. Further information is available via the help function in the DOS window. Please note that the syntax differs between the various operating systems.


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