International Compliance - NR12

The safest way to NR-12 compliant machines in Brazil

Based on the requirements of the Brazilian regulatory standard NR-12 (Norma Regulamentadora), we assist manufacturers and exporters with the conformity assessment of their machinery and offer operators on-site support when implementing the associated protective measures.

Your requirements

NR-12-compliant plant and machinery
If you are a machine manufacturer exporting to Brazil or operating machinery in Brazil, then to comply with the requirements of NR-12 you will need a service partner to provide comprehensive advice and support when dealing with the complex compliance and legal issues.

International compliance through recognised specialists
Pilz experts in Brazil are recognised specialists in the field of NR-12 compliance and will support you throughout the entire NR-12 conformity assessment procedure. That way you can be sure that you satisfy all the requirements of the Brazilian regulatory standards and that the health and safety of your staff is assured.

Our experts in Brazil are recognised specialists in the field of NR-12 compliance.

Our services

Our services include risk assessment, validation and technical documentation, through to acceptance in Brazil.

* Engineers from Pilz Brazil are registered with ART/CREA and therefore have official approval to carry out conformity assessments for operators and manufacturers in accordance with the regulatory standard NR-12.

As a complete supplier, we can provide support en route to final acceptance locally in Brazil. Everything is from one source: from the risk assessment, validation and technical documentation at the machine manufacturer’s through to acceptance by the operator in Brazil. The following services are also included:

  • Advice during the design process on compliance with all relevant standards and directive requirements
  • Clarification of the local formalities for acceptance in Brazil
  • Support during commissioning
Our engineers at Pilz Brazil are registered with ART/CREA and have official approval to carry out conformity assessments in accordance with NR-12.
Parts of the NR-12 documentation must be produced by an engineer registered with CREA.

CREA (Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Agronomia)

Regional council of engineering, which assesses and registers safety specialists. Parts of the NR-12 documentation must be produced by an engineer registered with CREA.

ART (Anotação de Responsabilidade Técnica)

Required document, which defines the responsible engineer for a product or service.

Your benefits at a glance

  • You get an NR-12-compliant machine, incl. documentation for the local authorities
  • Even during the design process we can advise you on how to comply with all the requirements of the relevant standards and directives. We guarantee this over the whole of your project – across the world
  • Our experts in Brazil are recognised specialists in the field of NR-12 compliance. They accompany your project and can attend to the local formalities when it comes to acceptance in Brazil
  • Save time and costs thanks to our procedure, which is standardised in accordance with a uniform, international flowchart
  • Optimise your documentation processes: we will provide standardised international documents – even if your machinery is to be manufactured or put into service at different locations

You too can benefit from these services


Pilz South East Asia Pte. Ltd.
25 International Business Park, #04-56 German Centre
Singapore 609916

Telephone: +65 6839 292-0

Technical Support

Telephone: +65 6829 2920