Did you pass the CMSE exam successfully in 2020 or before? Then why not enrol for the refresher seminar now, so that you are always on top of the latest developments in the underlying standards and in current safety technology. In the practical workshops, you will enhance your application knowledge.
CMSE® – Recertification
To keep you up-to-date, you need to renew your CMSE® – Certified Machinery Safety Expert certificate every four years.
- Overview of updated laws and standards
- Trends in safety
- Risk assessment - Workshop I
- Safeguards – Technical consideration
- Functional safety - Workshop II
Target group
- CMSE - Certified Machinery Safety Experts
In the course of the seminar, you will be able to keep testing the knowledge that you have refreshed using small self tests. After taking part in the one-day seminar, you will receive a TÜV NORD certificate that confirms your certification as a CMSE for another four years.
- Passing the CMSE examination
Benefits to you
- Extend your internationally valid certificate by another four years.
- Stay a part of the global community of experts.
No training dates currently scheduled. Please click on the button to make an 'individual request'.
You would like to book this training on a different date, or at a different site and/or to book a different training type? Please contact us. We are happy to inform you personally.
Your individual enquiry
Pilz Ireland
Business and Technology Park, Model Farm Road
Telephone: +353 21 4346535
E-Mail: sales@pilz.ie
Telephone: +353 21 4346535
E-Mail: training@pilz.ie