6 Nov 2023

IO-Link Safety

Communicate safely at field level – in one system

With IO-Link Safety, the non-proprietary, standardised communication system IO-Link is now also available for functional safety. Safe, standardised point-to-point communication enables safety sensors and actuators to be integrated into any existing fieldbus system. IO-Link Safety is standardised worldwide in IEC 61139-2 and offers maximum safety up to PL e of EN ISO 13849-1 (or SIL 3 of IEC 61508/62061).

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As an expert in safe automation, at SPS 2023 we will be presenting something new on the market: a complete IO-Link Safety System with Master and sensors. Alongside the first devices with IO-Link Safety functionality, such as the safety light curtains PSENopt II advanced IOLS and the control unit PITgatebox IOLS, we will also be presenting our IO-Link Safety Master PDP67 IOLS. An economical and flexible complete solution, which simplifies integration into plant and machinery, and increases performance.

As the interface to the safety controller, the IO-Link Safety Master enables bidirectional communication up to field level. Alongside IO-Link Safety devices, IO-Link sensors and actuators as well as classic safety sensors can also be connected. The IO-Link Safety sensors supply important status information and offer more options in the field of intelligent diagnostics. The devices can be identified and parameterised automatically, which makes them easier to swap and reduces downtimes.

The benefits:

  • Reduce costs and increase productivity:
    IO-Link Safety devices are identified automatically and parameters are adopted directly. This makes it easier to swap components and reduces plant and machine downtimes caused by repairs. Also, fewer device types are needed, thus reducing complexity in purchasing and creating space in the warehouse.
  • Innovative machine concepts:
    Seamless communication with each sensor and actuator enables intelligent data evaluation. This expands the possibilities for developing networked plant and machinery; with IO-Link Safety up to sensor level, aspects such as Industrie 4.0 can be implemented very simply, independently of the manufacturer.
  • Shorter commissioning times:
    IO-Link Safety communication occurs via unshielded cable and uses standard industrial connectors. This saves time and money when swapping devices.
  • Economical maintenance:
    Intelligent IO-Link devices offer diagnostic functions. That enables new, predictive repair and maintenance concepts

More about IO-Link Safety


Pilz Ireland
Business and Technology Park, Model Farm Road

Telephone: +353 21 4346535
E-Mail: sales@pilz.ie

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