What is the difference between Type A, B and C standards?

Type A standards

Type A standards are basic safety standards covering basic concepts, design principles and general aspects that can be applied to all machinery.

Example of a Type A standard:

  • EN ISO 12100 - General principles for design

Type B standards

Type B standards are generic safety standards covering safety aspects or one type of safeguard that can be used across a wide range of machinery. However, there are two types of B standards, Type B1 standards for particular safety aspects and Type B2 standards for safeguards.

Examples of Type B1 standards:

  • EN ISO 13851 - Safety-related parts of control systems
  • DIN EN ISO 14120 - Positioning of safeguards

Examples of Type B2 standards:

  • EN 574 - Two-hand control devices and
  • EN 953 - Fixed guards 

Type C standards

Type C standards are machine safety standards dealing with details safety requirements for a particular machine or group of machines.

Examples of Type C standards:

  • EN ISO 16092-3 - Hydraulic presses
  • EN 415, 1-10 - Packaging machines
  • EN 12409 - Thermoforming machines

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