Background information

In addition to the latest press information, here you'll find further information on our company, our products and industries.

If you require further background information, please contact us.

Martin Kurth
Corporate and Technical Press
Telephone: +49 711 3409-158

Hansjörg Sperling-Wohlgemuth
Conference Management
Telephone: +49 711 3409-239

Sabine Karrer
Technical and Corporate Press
Telephone: +49 711 3409-7009

Sabrina Schilling
Technical Press
Telephone: +49 711 3409-7147

Company profile and management resumes

Technical overview articles

A comprehensive Identification and Access Management controls access to the application, thereby ensuring the integrity of the safety functions and measures – including Safety and Industrial Security.

Identification and Access Management: Holistic safety through personalised permission management

In the industrial environment, the goal on the one hand is to protect people (Safety) and on the other to protect machinery and sensitive data (Industrial Security). A lack of safety and security can have various consequences: from incorrect operation to an accident to a serious cyber attack. Comprehensive Identification and Access Management that clearly defines access and entry permissions contributes to a holistic safety concept and efficient procedures.

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Automation solutions for the entire packaging industry

Safe, secure and flexible: Automation solutions for the entire packaging industry

Flexible automation solutions for Safety and Security offer future-proof technologies and therefore greater product safety in packaging automation: they are based on solutions and products for primary, secondary and end-of-line packaging, from the fields of sensor technology, control technology and operating and monitoring, as well as networks.

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Efficient and safe flow of goods: Holistic safety concepts for automating and operating AGV systems

Mobile platforms such as automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems are making a considerable contribution to efficient processes in production and logistics. Both humans and AGV systems must be protected from collisions, and downtimes must be avoided. But what is needed to guarantee this? The right safety solution and an understanding of the specific application and the normative framework. A holistic approach is the best way to harmonise safety and productivity – from the individual vehicle to the complete system.

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Pushbutton unit PITgatebox

Safety gate management 4.0: In addition to safety, key aspects for guards are efficiency, economy and digitisation

It is preferable to have minimal barriers between human and machine. But in many applications, the required safety must be guaranteed using movable guards – while always keeping an eye on production efficiency. Safety gates as an automation solution, including management of access permissions (via a "digital keyring"), represent safety concepts that offer both: protection and efficiency.

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Light curtain PSENopt II

Optimum barrier-free safety with light curtains PSENopt

Thanks to extremely short reaction times of up to 6 ms and the absence of dead zones, today's innovative safety light curtains are moving even close to the danger zone. Where the demand is for safety, flexibility, simple wiring and rapid commissioning, such light curtains are setting standards for barrier-free safety solutions.

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PSENradar, PSENscan and PSENopt II

PSENradar, PSENscan and PSENopt II: Safe radar systems and optoelectronic sensor technology for greater productivity

Safety, user friendliness and productivity should all be in harmony when it comes to area guarding of plant and machinery. When people require frequent access to the danger zone, or when materials need to be fed in or out, optical protective devices are suitable for safeguarding. These include radar systems as well as optoelectronic sensors such as light curtains and laser scanners. Which sensor type is used and when depends largely on the application.

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myPNOZ Creator

myPNOZ: New generation of modular safety relays

In the age of digitisation, Pilz set another milestone for safe automation in 2021: a new type of continuous digital process is a key feature of myPNOZ, fully encompassing creation, simulation, ordering and commissioning. The latest addition to the range is the world’s first batch size 1 safety relay.

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PNOZmulti 2

PNOZmulti 2: High-performance, configurable small controller for efficient, flexible automation projects

The product range of configurable safe small controllers PNOZmulti 2 has seamlessly maintained the reliability and success of the certified, globally established first generation PNOZmulti, the PNOZmulti Classic.

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ROS modules

ROS modules - the manufacturer-independent open-source software

With our ROS modules we can offer users high-quality ROS packages directly from the manipulator manufacturer. They meet industrial quality requirements and are ready for immediate use in industrial environments and service robotics.

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Rail technology

Rail technology

Pilz develops solutions for monitoring level crossings, safe point setting and protection for passenger transportation.

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Industrie 4.0

Industrie 4.0

We are already providing solutions for Industrie 4.0 and therefore for the automation of the future; these solutions meet the main requirements of distributed and modular systems.

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Automation system PSS 4000

Automation system PSS 4000

We can support you with the automation system PSS 4000 as the optimum solution for smooth production – for both safety and automation! The PSS 4000 is already proven in numerous applications in a variety of industry sectors.

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Pilz New Zealand
4 Prescott Street, Penrose
Auckland 1061
New Zealand

Telephone: +64 9 6345350

Press contact

Telephone: +64 9 6345350