Logging of variables with version 1.5 of the web-based visualisation software PASvisu

Version 1.5 of the web-based visualisation software PASvisu enables the logging of variables. This is performed as a y/t function, and the log can be easily exported via CSV file. In addition, it is now possible to export the PVIS process log via CSV. On PC-based PASvisu systems, you use the new software version to display the documents created in PASvisu in PDF viewer.

Further new features:

  • Changing the features of several elements with only one click
  • Additional configurable design elements are available
  • Optimisations in user management: Users can be added or removed at runtime; every user can be assigned a language
  • The tiles in the design time can be arranged freely
  • Feedback display: After a change, the state of a variable can be displayed on a defined tile to provide information (e.g. "Motor started")
  • Improvements of usability and stability



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