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New international standards for Automatic Guided (AGV), Autonomous Mobile (AMR) and automated function of manned industrial vehicles
The release of the new ISO 3691-4 in 2020 was in response to the fast development of emerging technologies in the field of automated vehicles. The standard was long awaited for, since its predecessor (EN 1525:1997) lasted 23 years. It can now be regarded as the primary international AGV standard. The AGV standard is enhanced in Europe with the launch of EN 1175:2020, which relates to specific electrical aspects and automated functions of AGV and manned industrial vehicles. Both standards are awaiting harmonisation under the relevant European directives.
In the USA two standards were also updated quite recently: ANSI/ITSF B56.5:2019 (AGV) and ANSI/RIA R15.08-1:2020 (AMR).
The new standard ISO 3691-4 expands the safety function requirements for AGVs and how to validate the automated functions of the vehicles. As such it adopts the safety design methodology of EN ISO 13849 and prescribes the required Performance Level for the vehicle monitoring functions, various operation modes and brake control.
Interestingly, the standard is not applicable to the AGV manufacturer only, but includes requirements for the AGV user. The key objective is the need for a proper zoning of the AGV in its final installation environment. The zoning needs to correlate with the residual risk of the application.
Stay tuned – Pilz will offer new services and trainings around the AGV standard milestones!
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