Press braking made safe, productive and simple!

For years Bystronic has been using the camera-based protection and measurement system PSENvip in conjunction with the automation system PSS4000 to guarantee a safe, efficient bending process. For another solution particularly on shorter length press brakes, the aim was to achieve maximum productivity and maximum safety combined with simple operation.

However, the safety measures were not to hinder the (bending) process. Cost-optimised, integrated bending angle measurement on the camera-based protection and measurement system PSENvip from Pilz supports this aim – particularly on shorter length press brakes. The module that has now been integrated for bending angle measurement requires no additional space in the work area and can be combined with the existing PSENvip solution used at Bystronic under the name FastBend plus. In the current safety solution, the usable image data from the camera-based protection and measurement system is transferred directly to the press controller. So the bending angle can be recorded and displayed digitally without additional measurement equipment. As a result the bending process is now much more efficient: by using the generic solution from Pilz there is no need to make complex angle measurements manually or to have expensive angle measurement systems.

The benefits at a glance:

  • Save space through integrated bending angle measurement and user interface display
  • The generic solution from Pilz means there’s no need to make complex angle measurements manually or to have cost-intensive angle measurement systems
  • Simple operation: the display is directly on the user interface of the press brake control system, via a web interface

“For years we have been using the camera-based protection system PSENvip in combination with the automation system PSS4000 from Pilz on our press brakes. We worked with Pilz to develop a further solution for our bending machines XPERT 40 and XPERT 80, with bending angle measurement already integrated.”

Karsten Trautvetter – Product Manager at Bystronic

About Bystronic

The focus for Bystronic is the automation of bending and cutting processes in metalworking. The portfolio includes laser cutting systems as well as press brakes and software solutions. The company has its headquarters in Niederönz in Switzerland, with further sites in Sulgen and Gotha. Bystronic is represented internationally with subsidiaries in China and Italy.

Our products in the application


Pilz lndia Pvt Ltd
5th Floor, Aston Plaza, Katraj - Ambegaon Road, Ambegaon BK,
Pune - 411046

Telephone: +91 20 69501100

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